Property Owner
Owner's Mailing Address
Property Location Address
Administrative Data
Parcel ID No.
Owner ID
Tax District
Land Use Code
Land Use Desc
Administrative Data
Legal Desc
Deed Year Bk/Pg
 -  /
Plat Bk/Pg
Sales Information
Sold Date
Sold Amount $
Valuation Information
Market Value   $
Market Value - Land and all permanent improvements, if any, effective January 1, 2017, date of County’s most recent General Reappraisal
Assessed Value $
If Assessed Value not equal Market Value then subject parcel designated as a special class -agricultural, horticultural, or forestland and thereby eligible for taxation on basis of Present-Use.
Improvement Detail
Year Built
Built Use/Style
Grade  / 
* Percent Complete
Heated Area (S/F) 0
Fireplace (Y/N)
Basement (Y/N)
** Bedroom(s)
** Bathroom(s) 0 Full Bath(s) Half Bath(s)
*** Multiple Improvements
* Note - As of January 1
* * Note - Bathroom(s), Bedroom(s), shown for description only
* * * Note - If multiple improvements equal “MLT” then parcel includes additional major improvements
Building Sketch - NOTE: Sketches are updated the first day of every month.
Land Supplemental
Map Acres
Tax District Note
Present-Use Info
Zoning Code
Zoning Desc
Total Improvements Valuation
*Total Improvements Full Market Value $
**Total Improvements Assessed Value
* Note - Market Value effective Date equal January 1, 2017, date of County’s most recent General Reappraisal
** Note - If Assessed Value not equal Market Value then variance resulting from formal appeal procedure
Land Value Detail (Effective Date January 1, 2017, date of County’s most recent General Reappraisal)
Land Full Value (LFV) $
Land Present-Use Value (PUV) $ **
Land Total Assessed Value $
** Note: If PUV equal LMV then parcel has not qualified for present use program
Land Detail (Effective Date January 1, 2017, date of County’s most recent General Reappraisal)
Rate Type
Rate Code